Monday, September 14, 2009

2009 Alumni Homecoming Parade

Batch 98 produced a copious delegation during the 2009 Alumni Homecoming with batchmates aboard the kewlest float in blue themed Barrio Fiesta on September 12, 2009.

Thank you so much to those who joined the celebration and actively participated during the planning and preparation. Thank you to the generous batchmates who shared their blessings. We'll provide you update on the financial statement soon.

Let us grow our number next year. Dont get tired sharing your time in every activities.
Thank you and see you all in our Reunion in December.
See you soon.

Photos courtesy of Verna Velasco.
P.S.: Pau can you draft a write-up about the Homecoming? thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congressman Rufus Rodriguez is seeking re-election in his district of CDO, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines and a situation has been brought to our attention that we want to inform him of.

Rufus Rodriguez owns a rental property in CDO that he rents out to a American expatriot of questionable agendas, records and past. I highly doubt Mr. Rodriguez knows of the kind of people his house is harboring so have decided to inform both him and the internet community in hopes of enlightening the situation during this campaigning period.

The American national currently residing in the house is one Gordon Elletson who goes by Gordy and posts on many internet forums using the name TexKano. Gordon Elletson is of a deffective mental state and is a admitted child abuser and basher of the Filipino populace. Please see link below of how Gordy Elletson , using his TexKano nic, admitted to hitting Xavier Madlangbayan with a cane and then proceeding to call the boys grandfather, Dr. Severino Madlangbayan,(who is seeking a city council seat in Iligan City) a banana eating monkey. Is this kind of elitest American truly the sort of expatriot that a elected Congressman wants to be connected to? Well Gordon Elletson seems to think the congressman loves him and will washover any mess he gets himself into. I find it hard to believe a elected congressman will forsake his constituents , who elected him, in a effort to protect a abusive foreign national.

The second expatriot, now deceased, is one Randall Chester Goings who goes by Bubba and posted on net under nic Bubbabobbaker. This fellow had a lengthy criminal record which included multiple drug charges. Randall Goings was brought to the Philippines by Gordon Elletson where he lived , together with Gordy, in the proprty owned by Congressman Rufus Rodriguez of CDO, Cagayan de Oro. This property is located on 69 bong bongon street CDO and even before Randall Goings moved to such property he was allready posting perverted things all over the internet. One example of his perversions took place on a internet dating site where he searched for a 4' tall bi-sexual and stated in his ad "the smaller you are the more I will love you". Evan smaller than 4'? Yikes, Was he looking for a dwarf or a underaged girl?

Anyway, I hope this message reaches Congressman Rodriguez and he can see below link for proofs regarding the accutations of the kind of expatriot he is harboring and who states the Congressman is protecting him. I feel the congressman has the right to know the facts in below link.